Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Mothers Love Story - 797 Words

9-20-10 EN112 Mrs. Howell Writing Project 2 A Mothers Love A mother’s loves at what cost will one pay to receive it? The story â€Å"A Rocking Horse Winner† is about a young boy who desires to be loved by his mother. He desires his mother’s love so bad that he ends up dying trying to receive it. The author D.H. Lawrence develops a theme that states, the desire for money and social status is more important than her children. The story is about a young boy named Paul who tries to win his mother’s love by winning money. Paul has a connection with his rocking horse. He has the ability to ride his horse and see who might win the race. However, in the end Paul tries too hard to win his mother’s love and affection and ends up losing†¦show more content†¦The author displays that even when his mother receives what she desires she is still longing for more money which in the end results in Paul’s death and her realization of what has become of her family. Paul s mother reveals her feeling towards her husband. In a conversation between the mother and Paul, Paul asks if she feels that she is lucky and her reply is I can t be if, I married an unlucky husband. The mother associates love by how successful one is, and this reveals that since her husband does not earn enough money she does not have love for him or even Paul. The mother also states in the conversation I used to think I was, before I married. Now I think I am very unlucky indeed. In the end Paul s mother’s greed pushes him to the limit. Oscar is Paul s uncle, and like Paul is interested in horse racing. He does not like to place high wagers like Paul because unlike Paul he is not sure who the winner is. Paul asks Oscar to keep this a secret by saying honor bright, but doesn t really take him serious and agrees because he wants to make money. When Paul dies, Oscar states My God, Hester, you re eighty-odd thousand to the good, and a poor devil of a son to the bad. Paul s death really is not something which affected the Uncle because he tries to comfort Hester by telling her how much money she has. Paul s greatest conflict is against himself, because he allows the pressure from his mother and societyShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Poem The Rocking Horse Winner 909 Words   |  4 Pagesin which the story is mostly between about the son trying to win the love of his mother whose only objective was to be the first in everything by having more money. The characters, the theme, and the author’s style will give us the idea of what D.H. Lawrence is trying to portrait in the story. The next paragraph will first show us how the author set up the characterization of significant characters. 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